December 23, 2008

Dear Friends,

To follow up on our last email notice, I ended up having an endoscopy late last week which revealed a viral infection in my esophagus.  So now after 4 days on a new medication the virus seems to be getting better, I am feeling better, eating and drinking better, and just better overall.   Just in time for Christmas! 

I know you have been praying for me and for my family, and I know your prayers have been answered, yet again.  What a wonderful gift we have been given.  I am convinced that for you to make time to pray for my family, or anyone for that matter, is one of the purest expressions of love to be found.   Thank you. 

For now It seems nice to have completed the full treatment plan and to finally be feeling more like myself.  We’ll go in for  testing near the end of January to where we are and what additional steps, if any,  we need to take.  We have been praying for a cure, as I know many of you have too.  Thanks again!

At this point, we are looking forward to spending a quiet (sort of) Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus.  We wish for each of you a very happy Christmas and time to enjoy the holiday with your family and friends.  We hope you enjoy safe travels and fun times with you and yours.  It is indeed a happy season!

Thanks again for all your prayer support and all your care that we feel every day.  It truly makes all the difference!  Happy New Year---

Kay and family

December 13, 2008

Dear Friends,
Please accept my apologies for being so late in getting out this latest update.  As most of you know, I had my last chemo infusion on November 17, nearly 1 month ago.   I had my last radiation treatment on November 25, last oral chemo on November 26. 

While we had expected to be “recovered” from the treatment plan by now, that has not been the case for us.  We have had a very long 2 weeks.  I have experienced some extreme nausea and fatigue, which has led to dehydration, etc…..    Many trips to UNC for IV fluids and anti-nausea medication later, they tell us to expect about another week of this before it finally subsides.  We are exhausted with our situation.   Apparently the radiation created quite the case of esophagitis in my chest and there is a lot of pain involved in eating, drinking, etc.  The sooner this esophagitis clears up the sooner I will be back in normal land. 

While all this has been problematic, and a REAL pain to deal with, we are grateful that we were able to complete the treatment plan without missing a single treatment, the UNC staff has been so supportive and kind in helping me with the rehydration process, and my doctor says this development does NOT indicate to him any reason to think the program did not work.  (Good news!!)

We are trying to make it through the weekend without another trip to the ER.  Given my suppressed immune system we try to stay away from places like ERs, but have had to make a few trips there nonetheless.  As today comes to a close I have to say it has been a pretty good day for me,  so maybe we are reaching the point where things are going to start improving. 

Please pray that this esophagitis will heal, quickly, and I can get back to having more “regular” days with my family and preparing for/enjoying the Christmas season.   Your prayers have proven invaluable to us many times over, and we thank you for your willingness to take care of us in this way.  We know it makes all the difference and has repeatedly.  Thank you all so much for your concern and prayers. 

Kay and family